The History of Laser and the Polarized Light in Medicine

The first active laser was invented in 1960 by Theodore Maiman, with the first high-powered lasers (surgical lasers) able to cut through skin appearing in 1965.

In 1966, Hungarian Professor Endre Mester was researching the possible adverse side effects of low-lower (soft) lasers, and when he discovered that not only do soft lasers lack any adverse side effects but on the contrary boast a beneficial biostimulative effect on the human body, it was immediately concluded that the cells and tissues lit by soft laser light are able to heal and regenerate faster.

Since 1963, the development of laser has been one of the primary focus areas of research for Karoly Rozsa, Ph.D., a research physicist and doctor at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In the late 1970s, a Hungarian research team consisting of doctors and physicists realized that the polarization of laser light plays a significant role in the biostimulative effect yielded; since lasers at that time were very expensive, of low-efficiency and were dangerous to human eyesight, this research team created a much cheaper and safer ordinary lamp, the light of which they polarized. Indeed, this was the predecessor of today’s polarized lamps (i.e. Bioptron).

The success story of the next 30 years proved how beneficial polarized light is to the human body – however, it is believed that recently-developed semiconductor lasers are much more powerful, efficient and cost-effective than the polarized lights, though still posing a danger to the human eye.

In 2012, after several years of research, Dr. Rozsa created a special diffusion soft laser that remains harmless to the human eye, thus making it possible to replace the polarized lights for a much more effective therapeutic laser light that can be used in the comfort of your own home. 

Curriculum Vitae – Dr. Károly Rózsa


  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Chemical Technology
  • Petrik Lajos Bilingual Technical College of Chemical Industry


  • 1963-Central Research Institute for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Fields of Scientific Research:

  • 1963- He has obtained an extensive knowledge in the field of optical spectroscopy, vacuum technology and gas discharge. These research experiences led him to his present specialization, the research of gas lasers.
  • 1964 – He was in a team where the first Hungarian gas laser was constructed, few weeks after the American discovery they build the blue (He-Cd) gas laser (4416) nm. They discovered the room temperature metal vapor laser (He-Cu 7816 nm).

University Thesis

  • Topic: technology and spectral analysis of helium-neon gas laser

PhD Thesis

  • 1973 – Topic: laser spectroscopy

Candidate’s Thesis

  • Topic: gas discharges developed for laser purposes

DSc Dissertation

  • Topic: research of far-ultraviolet lasers generated in gas discharges developed for laser purposes

Visiting Researcher/Professor

Soviet Union

  • Soviet Academy of Sciences at the Lebedev Physical Research Center
  • Basic phenomena in plasma physics with Professor Yura Osipovitsch


  • University of Innsbruck, Institute of Ion Physics, Department of Plasma Physics
  • Guest professor (host: Prof Franz Howorka)


  • Ibaraki University and Nagoya University
  • Laser physics, hosts Prof Shuzo Hattory and Kan-ichi Fujii


  • Monash University, Melbourne
  • Studied lasers in variable voltage discharges, (with Prof Rod Tobin) and directed the PhD study of Ken Pierd


  • McMaster University
  • Plasma deposited hard coatings (host Prof. Jan-shinh Chan)

United States of America

  • University of Arizona,
    he studied dicharge physics for analytical spectroscopy (with Prof. Bonner Denton), directing the PhD study of Hugh Phillips
    for several years he worked at the „Young Scolars Program” of the National Science Foundation, where he directed the science study of the most talented young navajo students.
  • University of New Mexico – Los Alamos National Laboratories
    he studied the energy levels of the negative hydrogen ions, wich was a new field on physics at that time. For his results he received the Doctor of Academy degree of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1998
  • Colorado State University, Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (University of Colorado and National Institute of Standards and Technology).
    he studied for over 10 years. He studies basic discharge physics with Professor with Prof. Art. V. Phelps, and plasma deposition of silane layers for solar cells with Prof Alan Gallagher.

Prof. Rózsa has over 150 scientific publications in referred journals and over 1500 references as well. He was over 20 times invited lecturer at international conferences.


  • Three patents on gas laser construction
  • Co-owner of a patent on a polarized light lamp (construction and application of BIOPTRON lamp)

In 1970 prof Endre Mester discovered that otherwise non healing wounds (due to decubitus and ulcus curies) can be successfully treated with low power laser light.

Professor Rózsa was also working there with professor Mester and has been studying laser Phototherapy since. In the last 45 years this method spread all over the earth, and now it become a general (sometimes only) treatments of several otherwise non-healing diseases. He constructed the first lamps for wound healing using polarized light, and showed the polarized light is also (however less extent) can be used for wound healing and in cosmetics.

Professor Rózsa performed the first successful healing treatment with a polarized light lamp under the supervision of Dr. Katalin Csizmadia.

The major drawback al the lasers using in phototherapy is that the really useful high power laser beam in dangerous to the eye, and only in hospital well-trained doctors and nurses may use them. Professor Rózsa recently developed a special optical arrangement, were the lasers are not dangerous the the eye any more, thus can be used everyday, even at home. This arrangements is called „Safe Laser”. Most laser treatments has to be applied every day, which conveniently can be used now at home, and practically impossible in hospitals.

Current Research

  • laser and plasma physics researches
  • studies on the biological and medical impact of light
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